Lock n Lock - Airtight Food Storage

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just letting my vast followers know that I will post something soon! Have had a gallery exhibition and markets since my previous post so will have some more piccis and with chirtmas coming up am very busy!!!

Till then...!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Some mirror work

Just some of the work I do with the mirrors!
Barbed wire extras including bush boquet and roses, wire peacock tails, horse shoes, tie wire, chains etc, whatever you want or I can find.



Sideboard style!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blog me!

Well here goes my first post as an official blogger!!! Not that i am too excited about the thought! Yet another thing to fill my mind and keep me from catching up on valuable sleep. What we do to keep ourselves up to date with the way of the world.
To tell the truth I have no idea what I am doing!! Obvious I think so! Anyway post some piccis that's what I'll do what of no idea how about a few of my babies....,

Yep that was them, gorgeous T+X sires Brahman calves my beagle (Sarah) and my wonder dog Woolly! Shall leave his story for another day the other 3 human babies are asleep, right now i am being summonsed by the 9 week old baby boy, loving him so much!
And yeah this is the homestead on the hill, a few years ago, really have to take some more piccis.

Really have to go.